Each day we go through life doing and fulfilling all that needs to be done. In doing so, situations arise, some good and some bad. In order to be happy we just have to laugh at them all. I am going to be sharing some of my situations in life with you and would love for you to share some of yours with me. Please feel free to comment here or reach out to me via email just to chat. 

The first situation I will share with you has the theme I have used my whole life: never go against your gut, or a more grown up term, your intuition. I rarely go against my intuition, but if I do, I either get sick or something not good comes of it. Not long ago, a situation occurred that made me realize there was more to it than I thought. 

Throughout my high school and college career, I used one paperback dictionary. Now, thirty years later, I have come to cherish it and call it "my baby". Ten years ago it broke in half. It had gotten a lot of use, so I didn't think much of it and I put it in a small plastic baggie to keep it safe. 

A few years ago, my husband and I decided to get a boat and were thinking of what to name it. Since using my intuition has been my philosophy for many years, we decided "Intuition" was the perfect name, but I wanted to look up the true definition in "my baby" before making the final decision. When I opened the dictionary it fell in half and a page that was cut in half fell out. I didn't think anything more of it than it was a shame "my baby" was getting old and breaking. As I started to look for the name, the dictionary happened to be open to the exact page beginning with "INT". As I looked closer, I realized the word "Intuition" was on the page that had been torn previously, right below the tear. 


When my dictionary broke ten years before, this was a sign that I was supposed to use my gut, or intuition. Most of the time I do, but if I had realized this at the time, I would have paid more attention and not crossed that gut feeling I always get. This proved to me that it is more than just a feeling, and I haven't gone against it since. 


A candle bought by my daughters for my birthday

A candle bought by my daughters for my birthday

Everyday doing and using simple things or going to a simple place will help you find and keep happiness. No matter how you feel physically or emotionally, do something everyday to make yourself and others happy. This creates positive energy that will surround you with strength and an environment of love. It will also help you make a good memory out of a hard situation.

One of my simple things is to light a candle throughout the year, with every changing season or holiday. Buy a candle for your home and pick a color or scent that goes with that time of year. As they burn, enjoy the light it gives you. When you shop for your candles and use them, you will find yourself in a peaceful mindset and it will make you happy.


My mom always told me that you have to make yourself happy, no matter where you are in your life.

I carry this idea with me always. I instilled it in my children, husband, friends and family, and now I am ready to spread this precious advice to all of you. 

In every stage of my life I have strived to be happy. My family and I celebrate everyday, whether it is a day of illness or a day of play. 

As we get older, we run into situations in our life that are very challenging and it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Through my personal experiences, with family, friends and my career as a nurse, I have used the most simple things to keep happiness alive during even the most upsetting times. 

Somehow, throughout my life, I have always ended up helping people. Helping people, to me, is a form of true happiness. This is ultimately why I have decided to start this process of reaching out. Reaching out to anyone who may need or want my help in creating joy from the simple things in life.

I hope, if nothing more, that from these stories you will be reminded to stay positive, stay cheerful, and make the best of even the worst situations. 

The most priceless advice I could have ever gotten or could ever give is to be happy. I am looking forward to sharing my personal stories and advice to help guide you through the hard times in life.

My mom, me and my sister at a San Diego Children's Hospital Fundraiser in the 90's

My mom, me and my sister at a San Diego Children's Hospital Fundraiser in the 90's