/My mom always told me that you have to make yourself happy, no matter where you are in your life.
I carry this idea with me always. I instilled it in my children, husband, friends and family, and now I am ready to spread this precious advice to all of you.
In every stage of my life I have strived to be happy. My family and I celebrate everyday, whether it is a day of illness or a day of play.
As we get older, we run into situations in our life that are very challenging and it can be hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Through my personal experiences, with family, friends and my career as a nurse, I have used the most simple things to keep happiness alive during even the most upsetting times.
Somehow, throughout my life, I have always ended up helping people. Helping people, to me, is a form of true happiness. This is ultimately why I have decided to start this process of reaching out. Reaching out to anyone who may need or want my help in creating joy from the simple things in life.
I hope, if nothing more, that from these stories you will be reminded to stay positive, stay cheerful, and make the best of even the worst situations.
The most priceless advice I could have ever gotten or could ever give is to be happy. I am looking forward to sharing my personal stories and advice to help guide you through the hard times in life.
My mom, me and my sister at a San Diego Children's Hospital Fundraiser in the 90's